Virtual Tutoring
We are committed to supporting our students even after they leave the classroom, so we are excited to now offer Virtual Tutoring designed to help with your EQ100 externships.
While our onsite courses will prepare you to successfully complete the externship, we understand that sometimes additional help is needed.
Virtual Tutoring Format:
- Live, one-on-one sessions via Zoom, What’s App, Facetime or Pivo
- Booked in 30-minute segments
- $50 per 30-minute session
- Open to all Equinology/EquiLearn students who have attended the onsite EQ100
- Personalized sessions with EquiLearn president Courtney Molino, RVT, EEBW, CERP, CCRA, FEI PET
Virtual Tutoring Topics:
- Discuss externship requirements
- Review anatomy and point system
- Receive feedback on bodywork routine techniques
- Get help with gait analysis
- Need help with something else? Contact us!
These sessions are designed to help clarify questions you may have, or confirm you are on the right track. No part of your externship will be graded via a virtual tutoring session. For in-depth help (and to complete parts of your externship under instructor supervision), be sure to check out our onsite EQ106: EEBW Review Course.
Interested in Virtual Tutoring? Let us know by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.